We completed our first week today with our 10th class for the week. I am very grateful that we were eased into our nine weeks of teacher training with one less class and two fewer lectures than a regular week. This morning's class with Mike was definitely my toughest because my lack of sleep from the week definitely set in even after a normal night's sleep last night. The heat in the yoga room progressively increased as the week went on for two reasons. First, the weather slowly got warmer and second, the heating system in the room was in full swing by Wednesday. Friday night's class with Bikram was definitely the most challenging with the largest number of people not completing the class. About two-thirds of the trainees delivered their Half Moon dialogue for Bikram this week and I'm so glad to have that behind me. Bikram is known to be brutally honest in his critique of each student's dialogue and this can lead to a lot of anxiety. I wanted to get my turn out of the way so I volunteered the first night. Bikram was satisfied with my delivery and his only criticism was about my "high school" haircut. I was fine with the fact that the only thing he didn't like was my hair and I was happy to be able to walk off the stage with my dignity.
Bikram started his lectures and we discussed some interesting topics. We were also treated to a late-night Bollywood movie and an epic Hindi movie. Next week Emmy from Headquarters will be here to teach some classes and I'm really looking forward to that. I will love drinking in more her wisdom that has come from more than fifty years of practicing yoga.
Our everyday life is very scheduled with very little free time. We have a ten-minute walk from our hotel room to the yoga room so our commute takes up quite a bit of our free time. Signing in for proof of attendance is also a process that takes some time. All week our days have started at 7 AM and have ended as late as 3:30 AM the following morning. The hotel has stepped up our lunches and the food has noticeably improved as the week went on. Living in a hotel room has many challenges and we've become very creative in making hotel life comfortable.
Today we ran our errands and treated ourselves to pedicures. I also spent a couple of hours talking to a new yogi friend by the pool and enjoyed the luxury of being outdoors. We had a delicious dinner with Rosario at an adorable little French cafe and it was perfect end to a lovely day.
Tomorrow Dan and the kids are coming to visit for a few hours and I can hardly wait. Keeping in touch has been great even though our conversations on Skype or the phone have had to be brief. Seeing my family tomorrow will help fuel me for our first full week that begins on Monday morning. One down, eight to go!
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